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WiFly Member List

This is the complete list of members for WiFly, including all inherited members.

assoc (defined in WiFly)WiFly
atoip(char *buf)WiFly
authen (defined in WiFly)WiFly
begin(Stream *serialdev, Stream *debugPrint=NULL)WiFly
channel (defined in WiFly)WiFly
createAdhocNetwork(const char *ssid, uint8_t channel)WiFly
dbgBegin(int size=256)WiFly
debugOn (defined in WiFly)WiFly
disableDataTrigger() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
disableDHCP() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
disableUdpAutoPair() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
dnsFound (defined in WiFly)WiFly
dnsServer (defined in WiFly)WiFly
enableDataTrigger(const uint16_t flushtime=10, const char flushChar=0, const uint16_t flushSize=64)WiFly
enableDHCP() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
flush() (defined in WiFly)WiFlyvirtual
flushRx(int timeout=WIFLY_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)WiFly
ftpGet(const char *addr, const char *dir, const char *user, const char *password, const char *filename) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getAdhocBeacon() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getAdhocProbe() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getAdhocReboot() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getBaud() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getConnection() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getDeviceID(char *buf, int size) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getDHCPMode() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getDNS(char *buf, int size) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getFlushChar() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getFlushSize() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getFlushTimeout() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getGateway(char *buf, int size) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getHostByName(const char *hostname, char *buf, int size)WiFly
getHostIP(char *buf, int size)WiFly
getIP(char *buf, int size)WiFly
getIpFlags() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getJoin() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getMAC(char *buf, int size) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getNetmask(char *buf, int size) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getProtocol() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getRSSI() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getRTC() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
gets(char *buf, int size, uint16_t timeout=WIFLY_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)WiFly
getSpaceReplace(void) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getSSID(char *buf, int size) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getsTerm(char *buf, int size, char term, uint16_t timeout=WIFLY_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getTime(char *buf, int size) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getTimezone() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getUartMode() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
getUptime() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
iptoa(IPAddress addr, char *buf, int size)WiFly
isDotQuad(const char *addr)WiFly
isInCommandMode() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
join(const char *ssid, uint16_t timeout=20000)WiFly
join(uint16_t timeout=20000)WiFly
join(const char *ssid, const char *password, bool dhcp=true, uint8_t mode=WIFLY_MODE_WPA, uint16_t timeout=20000)WiFly
match(const char *str, uint16_t timeout=WIFLY_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)WiFly
match(const __FlashStringHelper *str, uint16_t timeout=WIFLY_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)WiFly
multiMatch_P(uint16_t timeout, uint8_t count,...)WiFly
open(const char *addr, int port=80, boolean block=true)WiFly
open(IPAddress addr, int port=80, boolean block=true)WiFly
ping(const char *host)WiFly
save() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
sendChunk(const char *str)WiFly
sendChunk(const __FlashStringHelper *str)WiFly
sendChunkln(const char *str)WiFly
sendChunkln(const __FlashStringHelper *str)WiFly
sendto(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t size, const char *host, uint16_t port)WiFly
sendto(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t size, IPAddress host, uint16_t port)WiFly
sendto(const char *data, const char *host, uint16_t port)WiFly
sendto(const char *data, IPAddress host, uint16_t port)WiFly
sendto(const __FlashStringHelper *data, const char *host, uint16_t port)WiFly
sendto(const __FlashStringHelper *data, IPAddress host, uint16_t port)WiFly
setAdhocBeacon(const uint16_t msecs)WiFly
setAdhocProbe(const uint16_t secs)WiFly
setBaud(uint32_t baud) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setBroadcastInterval(const uint8_t seconds)WiFly
setChannel(uint8_t channel)WiFly
setDeviceID(const char *buf) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setDHCP(const uint8_t mode) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setDNS(const char *buf) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setFlushChar(const char flushChar)WiFly
setFlushSize(uint16_t size)WiFly
setFlushTimeout(const uint16_t timeout)WiFly
setFtpAddress(const char *addr) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setFtpDirectory(const char *dir) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setFtpFilename(const char *filename) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setFtpMode(uint8_t mode) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setFtpPassword(const char *password) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setFtpPort(uint16_t port) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setFtpTimer(uint16_t msecs) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setFtpUser(const char *user) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setGateway(const char *buf) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setHost(const char *buf, uint16_t port) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setHostIP(const char *buf) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setHostIP(const __FlashStringHelper *buf) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setHostPort(const uint16_t port) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setIOFunc(const uint8_t func)WiFly
setIP(const char *buf) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setIP(const __FlashStringHelper *buf) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setIpFlags(const uint8_t flags) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setIpProtocol(const uint8_t protocol) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setJoin(uint8_t join) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setKey(const char *buf)WiFly
setNetmask(const char *buf) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setNetmask(const __FlashStringHelper *buf) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setPassphrase(const char *buf)WiFly
setPort(const uint16_t port)WiFly
setProtocol(const uint8_t protocol) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setRate(uint32_t rate)WiFly
setSpaceReplace(char ch)WiFly
setSSID(const char *buf) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
setTimeAddress(const char *buf)WiFly
setTimeEnable(const uint16_t enable)WiFly
setTimePort(const uint16_t port)WiFly
setTimezone(const uint8_t zone)WiFly
setTxPower(uint8_t dBm)WiFly
setUartMode(const uint8_t mode) (defined in WiFly)WiFly
tcp (defined in WiFly)WiFly
WiFly() (defined in WiFly)WiFly
write(uint8_t byte)WiFlyvirtual